In this blog, we’ll explore how digestion affects sleep AND how sleep affects digestion. If you suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea, or simply an inability to get adequate rest… you may be stuck in this vicious cycle, and I’m here to get you out! (Fortunate for Rook, my sweet puppy you see above, he doesn’t have too many sleep issues… ;)
Have you noticed that our culture almost takes pride in being able to operate with less than ideal sleep? (Hello imbalanced masculine energy!)
You may be getting by with less than 7 hours of sleep per night (thanks to your adrenal glands, melatonin, or CBD!)… but the magnificent human body will only last so long before seemingly unrelated issues arise, which can turn into chronic conditions and disease.
HERE’S the good news: We can hack into the issues of poor sleep by looking at digestion.
Whenever there is stress in the body—emotional, structural, or nutritional—the nervous system is in a more heightened fight or flight mode, which triggers the adrenals to produce hormones, and… those hormones keep us up at night!
What’s “nutritional” stress?
I’m glad you asked! Many of my clients unknowingly have a hard time digesting one or more of the big 3 macronutrients: fat, protein, or carbs, or some other component of their diet. When this happens, the body pulls resources that the adrenals need to function, and the adrenals get worried! So, nutritional stress is literally a stress response from the food we put into our bodies that we are not properly digesting.
How the heck are we to identify nutritional stressors?
It’s hard enough to identify when we are stressed in our day-to-day lives as it has become such a normal mode of operation these days. But nutritional stressors? It’s true that some people who are very attuned to their food and mood response can identify these more subtle stresses, but I take a more direct route with my clients.
For both in-person and virtual consultations, I may suggest lab testing so we can identify exactly how your body is digesting certain components of food. This testing gives us great insight into how we can support your body moving forward, and FINALLY get you into a regular, healthy sleep cycle.
Also good news: When we get better sleep, we digest better.
Here are some quick facts:
Better sleep decreases stress and supports the health of the gut.
Better sleep helps us make better dietary choices.
Better sleep can prevent us from eating too late (which burdens digestion and nutrient absorption.)
So, are you ready to get better sleep? First step, contact Reneé Barasch, LDHS to schedule a free 15-minute consultation. Virtual appointments encouraged!